Survivors Give Thanks at 8th Annual Trauma Survivors Day

From gunshot and fall victims to motor vehicle and pedestrian accidents, survivors triumph. Join us on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 11:00 am to hear some of this past year’s inspiring and captivating stories of GW Hospital’s trauma survivors. The event will take place at the GW Milken Institute School of Public Health (across from the hospital).
Each year on Trauma Survivors Day, we celebrate individuals who have experienced serious, life-threatening incidents. This year’s event will feature the emotional stories of five patients, including the harrowing story of a woman who risked her life to save her infant in Arlington. All our patients will tell how they overcame difficulty and triumphed.
In many trauma cases, patients can be in the hospital for several months working closely with staff. This event gives them a chance to reunite with the care team who saved their lives and helped get them back home. In this season of giving thanks, we invite you to join us for this special event.